Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Game #28 (WIN): I really really need to work on my CS with Vayne! But we won this game due to their Ezreal being terrible and our Lee Sin getting me fed.

Game #29 (WIN): Bot lane Jayce yaaay. Kyle went Alistar and we underestimated Twitch/Taric but we definitely did win the lane overall. My positioning in team fights was a lot better than my work in lane, so that Hyper Charge steroid allowed me to melt their team. I'm really slacking on CS lately, I think because I want to be too aggressive in laen. The kills aren't really THAT worth it. Should just wait on the jungler.

Game #30 (LOSS): Had an AFK. Would have won. Fuck this game.

Game #31 (LOSS): alkfjas;klfjaklfjaklfwejakil;vakgjfl;jf they had two fucking ad carries and just pushed lanes all day and any time ashe landed an arrow on anyone they could take two towers fufkajklfjaklfasf

Current ELO: 1282

Monday, July 30, 2012

More Adventures from Elo Hell

Game #25 (LOSS): Jax camped my lane but I still did fine. Kept up in CS and made pretty good plays. Unfortunately, our Kog'Maw and Warwick were both terrible. Warwick had no idea who to ult in teamfights, and kept baiting us into really bad situations. Kog'Maw's positioning was awful and he built Bloodrazor first item. Ezreal on the other team built a Last Whisper and got a pentakill. I hope he learned his lesson.

Game #26 (WIN): Landed the most uncannybrutal grabs in the netosphere.

Game #27 (LOSS): Don't even really want to talk about this one, I played like shit. Had lag starting out because my mother was doing something on the internet and it fucked me out of a ton of CS, so I was behind all game. Just want to forget about this one.

Current Elo: 1282

Elo Hell blarg

Game #23 (LOSS): I tried as hard as I possibly could to carry this game. I killed my lane opponent multiple times, ganked bot multiple times and came out with a respectable score of 8/5/15. But you know what? Because my top lane fed Vladimir, we lost. Corki got a pentakill. I don't even want to think about this game because I did everything right and still lost. What a disgrace.

Game #24 (WIN): Jungled Riven this game and did not perform up to par! Why do I win games where I play poorly and lose those in which I play well?! Anyway, I tried to dive Sivir at level 4 and got stunned/exhausted by Taric. I figured since Taric got first blooded he would have burned his exhaust, but apparently not! After that, I fell a little behind so I just started farming up a storm. Caught up to Mundo in level (somehow) and we were able to pull off a shaky victory after catching Jax alone at top and subsequently securing Baron/pushing for the win. 

Current ELO: 1297

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Elo Hell #7

Game #21 (LOSS): Well, went Caitlyn/Taric against Jayce/Blitzcrank and apparently that was just a really fucking terrible idea. The burst damage of those two combined was beyond ridiculous. I could be instantly killed from full health if either one of them landed a single CC on me. It was just depressing. We were doing pretty well early but as soon as Jayce got a single kill it was over. Compounding matters was the fact that their Skarner became completely invincible. He could pretty much 1v5 our team, and that's not really even an exaggeration. Who counters Jayce again?

Game #22 (WIN): Ok, so after getting brutalized by Jayce last game, I decided to jump on the carry Jayce bandwagon and I can tell you this much: He has a fucking broken laning phase. He's about as good as Urgot, and scales into late game much better. Ended up going 14/5/12. Had about 75 CS at the 10 minute mark which is perfectly acceptable. I delayed building a PD until very late due to his 2.5 AS ability. My build order was IE > BT > LW > QSS > PD. It worked very well for me. What could I have improved upon? Not get caught by Morgana binds. Both times could have been potential game throws had my team not retreated. 

Current ELO: 1297

Elo Hell #6

Game #19 (WIN): Decided to pick Vayne again after previous victory. 2/0/3 laning phase, 20 minute surrender. Kind of a boring game to be honest. My CS was pretty mediocre because my team just wanted to go for kills, once again.

Game #20 (WIN): Bottom lane once again, this time matched against Vayne and Sona. After racking my brains a little bit, we decided to go Tristana/Blitzcrank. Got an easy first blood due to the ridiculously high burst damage of the combo, and snowballed from there. Had an AP Yi that went 5/0 very shortly in and got a triple kill in the enemy jungle. They surrendered at 20, shortly after I got my Infinity Edge. My CS was low once again, partially because I'm bad at tidying up the wave for Explosive Shot, partially due to inexperience with Tristana.

Current ELO: 1298

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Elo Hell #5

Game 17 (WIN): I picked Vayne for some bizarre reason and this game just snowballed out of control really quickly. My CS was absolutely terrible because my support was only interested in pushing the lane and killing our lane opponents. He was being a dick so I muted him. I don't feel like this game made me a better Vayne player at all, but at least I gained some elo, I guess. Kyle also made the random choice to play jungle Wukong and dominated. Guess you have to experiment sometimes!

Game 18 (LOSS): We had a leaver and I made a lot of mistakes due to being baited into chasing their team through the jungle at level 5. Our Miss Fortune didn't buy a single attack speed item. Her build was Merc Treads, Bloodthirster, Last Whisper, and BF Sword. Bot lane got double killed within the first three minutes. Awful game. Taking a break after this one.

Current ELO: 1271
Something to keep in mind: I definitely need to work on CSing better against stressful matchups: i.e. Yorick, Zyra, Leblanc, Malzahar, etc.

Elo Hell #4

Game 14 (WIN): Well, I picked Cassiopeia to counter Mordekaiser, so they countered that pick by sending Yorick mid and Morde top. Morde feeds first blood to Teemo and they proceed to trade kills all game. This Teemo is one of the rare players that builds some attack damage, so he ends up scaling into late game better than your average Teemo. Me and Kyle (on Eve) destroy teamfights with our combination of ults. There were a few tense moments, since they had kind of a devastating Yorick/Vayne/Mordekaiser combo to suddenly pop out with 3 AD carries. We stole a Baron with an Eve ultimate and also lost a Baron fight out of nowhere due to how powerful Yorick's ultimate can be. I definitely didn't CS as well as I could have this game, but I was up against Yorick so I think I did as well as could be expected.

Game 15 (WIN): Ryze against Brand with Kyle on Jarvan jungle. Burned his Flash very early, so we decided to torment him from that point on. Got a lot of successful ganks off and I snowballed as a result. Was very low in CS this game due to an early kill trade and the laning phase breaking down very early.

Game 16 (LOSS): Kyle on Jarvan switched with Riven, because he got counterpicked by Malphite top. So, Riven went to the jungle instead. Jarvan lost lane to Malphite and he built glass cannon AP and wrecked team fights with Zyra and 13/0/2 Vayne, the terror from bottom lane. I played Xerath and did tremendous damage and could instakill any one of them, but it didn't matter, because as soon as I was gone (Malphite ult), the game was over. Not much I could have done to help us win this one. My CS was really shitty this game, probably because I can't stand laning against fucking Zyra.

Current ELO: 1273

Friday, July 27, 2012

Elo Hell #3

Game 10 (WIN): Enemy team's Irelia never connected, so this was a win for us from the start, although me and my friend Rob did well as Cait/Taric bot. What could I have improved on? Not much, I did pretty okay. Maybe buy some pink wards. Rob, on the other hand, should stop getting grabbed by Blitz.

Game 11 (WIN): Still duo queuing with Rob. We go Graves/Blitz this game and don't dominate bot lane as much as I would like. Our Kennen and Hecarim get massively fed and wreck teamfights. I could have definitely landed more grabs this game and maybe drop some early pink wards. Rob could have rushed a big damage item earlier. No reason to triple dorans against Ashe when you're Graves.

Game 12 (LOSS): We went Cait/Janna bottom lane this time because Blitzcrank and Alistar were banned. We didn't do badly and Rob farmed pretty well. However, the opposing support was Sona and we just couldn't get any damage to stick. As a result, Caitlyn wasn't able to snowball and we couldn't carry 1/7 Mundo. We had an AD Malzahar that did surprisingly well, lol.

Game 13 (LOSS): Ryze against LeBlanc. I should have just dodged because regardless of how well you do in lane versus LeBlanc, you very rarely actually "win" the lane. Furthermore, she feeds on bad players and snowballs an early advantage for her team. Worse yet, they had Darius who pooped on Singed in lane. We even made it to late game but our tanks were completely clueless and didn't peel for Rob on Graves, so he got fucked every fight. Just a miserable, depressing game, and quite literally nothing I could do. I was putting out a lot of damage but by the time late game rolls around, Shaco and LeBlanc could just jump on Graves and take him out. Shyvana and Singed just weren't interested in preventing that from happening. My CS wasn't very good but it's very hard to lane against someone who can instantly kill you from full health any time you make the wrong move. Just an annoying, abusive champion that I hope I never have to lane against ever again.

Current ELO: 1260

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Elo Hell Continued

Game 5 (WIN): Me and Kyle ended up bottom lane as Caitlyn/Taric versus Draven/Janna. We dominated pretty much from level 1. After we found out that Draven had no boots, we decided to freeze the lane and zone him off creeps. Any time he tried to come in for CS, we'd kill him. Needless to say, we carried this game pretty hard. I ended at 236 CS at 32 minutes with a score of 8/0/6 and 12.5k gold, all the highest on both teams. Draven, comparatively, had 86 CS and went 1/6/1. Even so, I did not play a perfect game. I missed a few too many CS early game while trying to freeze. I think I had around 65-73 at 10 minutes, which is far from perfect. Just something to work on.

Game 6 (WIN): Ended up supporting a random this game, and he bitched me out for missing Blitz grabs and said "holy shit this Blitz is bad." Proceeded to carry the shit out of his ass with the most epic grabs you have ever seen. He was probably shit talking me all game but I muted him (and his duo queue partner) very early on. Seemed to work out pretty well, because with our massive amount of peel (Blitz and Kyle on Nautilus), we were able to protect Kog, Cass, and Riven while they destroyed the entire enemy team. I'm not a strong support, though, and it's not a role I'm particularly interested in. Not sure what to say about improving there.

Game 7 (LOSS): Lee Sin level 2 ganks our Yorick and snowballs Trundle's lane tremendously. Trundle becomes absolutely impossible to kill and leads the game in CS. Lee Sin ganks three times before he hits level 4 and is successful on all ganks. Every lane snowballs out of control and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Vlad goes bottom and gets a double kill because we have no vision. What could I have done differently here? The only thing I can really think of is to farm better and get my items faster than everyone else. I wasn't able to get a lot of successful ganks off because everyone was so weak and Kyle was behind in the jungle from the very beginning.

Game 8 (WIN): Ryze hardcounters Veigar and I had the excellent opportunity of laning versus one. Had around 186 CS at 25 minutes; I can do better than that, but still not too bad. Didn't call Veigar mia and he got a kill up top once, so that's maybe something I could improve on. I need to bind the retreat ping to something, because I use R for smartcasting ults and V for regular casting. Veigar stunned me at one point and hit me with Q, so I just killed him from full health. It was good times.

Game 9 (WIN): Took Rumble against Xin Zhao top. I definitely need more practice with Rumble, although I did (narrowly) beat this guy. I had 38 CS by 10 minutes, which is really really shitty. I stacked two doran's shields to put up with XZ's crazy high damage and was able to get a few kills on him with the help of Nautilus. In team fights, the combination of Rumble, Nautilus, and Gragas was just too devastating for them to deal with. I ended up outfarming XZ but I still DEFINITELY could have done better. I'm not the strongest Rumble player, but I did end up going 10/4/9 with a very mediocre 198 CS (in a 40 minute game).

Current ELO: 1256

Elo Hell Documentation?!

Alright, so it's clear at this point that I'm definitely struggling to break out of the 1200 elo area in League of Legends. I thought maybe it would help me if I documented my ranked games, both wins and losses, and reflect on the mistakes I made and what I could improve on to win more games.

I am primarily an AP mid player, though I can play a few solo top champions and can at least passably play AD carry, but I prefer to stay out of bottom lane if at all possible, because I feel it is the most stressful lane in the game. I can jungle, but only on a couple of niche champions, like Riven and Xin Zhao.

Let's look at the ranked games I've played so far today.

Game 1 (WIN): This game, I got stuck playing AD carry. I grabbed Draven because I just wanted to play something aggressive and hopefully get first blood. I get out CS'd and outplayed in lane by the enemy Tristana, a player who clearly has more experience as an AD carry. I keep farming and taking opportunities to join into fights throughout the game and end up with a respectable CS score and we end up winning, though I pretty much got carried. I think we caught Tristana in her midgame slump, where she's not quite as strong. Even though AD carry is not my preferred role, I probably should spend some time practicing CS. I think I miss a lot because of the stress of bottom lane.

Game 2 (WIN): I duo-queued with my friend Kyle for this one and we were up for top and mid. Although I mostly play mid, I offered Kyle mid for this game because he's a very strong Gragas player. I go top as Riven and we both dominate our lanes. I get first blood on Singed and he ends up 0/7 by the end of the game. I lead in CS and had about 160 by 20 minutes. I did very well this game and I'm now 10-3 with Riven. She will definitely be my go-to choice for top from now on.

Game 3 (LOSS): Got stuck with AD carry again because I didn't want to make Kyle do it as it his weakest role. He went jungle Jarvan and did pretty well; it definitely wasn't his fault that we lost. We did, however, have a troll on our team. Our third pick said from the get-go that he was going to be playing support Swain, and was generally really negative. During the laning phase, he repeatedly went all-in on Kog Maw, getting a couple of kills, but almost always trading a death for it. Frequently, I died with him. By end game, Kog Maw was completely unstoppable and could pretty much solo our team. I'm not really sure what I could have done in this one. Sometimes trolls ruin your games.

Game 4 (LOSS): Even though we did lose this game, I feel pretty good about it. I led both teams in CS and didn't make any terrible plays. Unfortunately, after some very poor decisions (and trash talking in all chat) our Sona started throwing herself recklessly into towers and the enemy team. To make matters worse, one of the players in champion select locked in an AP mid champion after I had already picked Ryze. Stubbornly, he said "alright, 2 mid then." I tried to remain positive and Viktor ended up going top, feeding 6 kills to Jax. Again, there wasn't much I could do about this game.