Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Season 3 Begins

Well, I don't know if this is the official beginning of Season 3 for League of Legends, but my ELO has certainly been reset, even though the item changes have not gone through yet. As such, I will probably be playing pretty sparingly until those go through and subsequently I familiarize myself with the new items.

However, I have played my first placement match and played an instrumental part in securing the win as--what else?--support. I'm going to take this opportunity to change up the format. Each game will be accompanied by a screencap of the postgame lobby. I think it will be interesting to look back and see all the scores... and all the trashtalk. I'm also going to attempt to break up the posts when the games are on different days, which is something I did very inconsistently during Season 2.

Game #1 (WIN - Unranked) (Support: Taric)
I tried to be optimistic about this game, but I was somewhat worried during champion select for a number of reasons. We had Heimerdinger and Fiddlesticks (jungle) on our team and they had Graves and Katarina, two champions that are well known for pubstomping hard. However, my worries evaporated when Heimerdinger got first blood (with Fiddle's help) and proceeded to dominate his lane. Graves/Nunu proved more formidable a combo than I had previously imagined (seriously, Nunu's ultimate does way too much damage) but we managed to pull through because I am a very experienced Taric and Caitlyn was very strong. She didn't once overextend and kept up with Graves in farm for the most part. She pulled off several hilarious Ace in the Hole kills as well. Overall it was a really nice start to the season; I made sure to honor my teammates as well.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Elo Finale (?)

Game #121 (WIN): I got 5 kills on Janna, haha. I'm really glad I played her because our Twitch was amazingly reckless. No other support would have gotten him out of trouble as effectively.

Game #122 (LOSS): Every lane lost so hard. Nothing I could do.

Current ELO: 1287