Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Elo Ocean

Game #68 (WIN): Ezreal/Taric again! Ashe/Janna is really fucking annoying, so I lost out on a TON of CS, but it's fine. Me, Juddy, and our Nunu carried the game anyway despite two feeding solo lanes.

Game #69 (LOSS): I will be the first to admit that I didn't perform up to par this game, but I think it was an error in champion selection more than anything else. My CS was adequate but not great. Orianna has synergy with instant gap closers and we had none, aside from Nocturne ult, which often breaks the tether to the ball, anyway. Furthermore, our AD carry was terrible, as is so often the case. I can't trust anyone to do it but me.

Game #70 (LOSS): I probably shouldn't play Morgana, and especially not against Vladimir.

Game #71 (LOSS): Well, won bottom lane as usual with Ezreal/Taric, this time against Ashe/Blitzcrank. Shyvana, however, got extremely fed, and so did their Annie, who went something like 9/0/6. Ahri was 0/6/0 by the end of the game. Our Teemo also ragequit. Can't carry them all. There were a few times where I overextended, but I was trying as hard as I possibly could to contribute to the team

Game #72 (LOSS): Corki with a random Nunu against Ezreal/Janna. I don't really know what's wrong, but I'm just not playing very well tonight. It didn't help that we had zero jungle presence (from Garen, of course) and they had a hyper aggressive Maokai. No, I never got caught by him, but Nunu sure did. Soon enough, Ezreal towered over me with superior farm and a whole lot more kills. A mix of a bad team and bad play from me. 

Current ELO: 1315

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Elo Mountain

Game #66 (WIN): Ezreal with a random Taric against Vayne/Soraka. Well, they couldn't do anything to us, but of course they were a little more difficult to kill than average. Still went 10/5/18 and carried pretty hard. One thing I really need to be concentrating more on is CS. I think I just need to focus. I'm not ending up with the CS score that I think I should have.

Game #67 (WIN): Ezreal with another random Taric! Juddy played Rumble and we both went legendary! Yay! 

Current ELO: 1353

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Elo Car

Game #64 (WIN): First Twisted Fate game in ranked, I believe. Did very well. Topped CS (I think) and didn't die a single time. Will definitely play him more often.

Game #65 (LOSS): We had a first time Rengar on our team and he went 1/9. Fun times. Lost 16 fucking elo for this game. So mad.

Current ELO: 1334

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Elo Wonderland

Game #60 (WIN): Caitlyn/Taric versus Corki/Janna. Quite simply, I was a better support than Janna. <3 Me and Rob have good communication when we duo.

Game #61 (WIN): Same combo, raping souls. Corki on their team went something like 2/9. Yeah. It was nasty. 

Game #62 (LOSS): Corki/Taric. Did fine in lane against Graves/Sona, but their Diana and Veigar both got massively fed. Diana died instantly in fights, but Veigar could pretty much kill everyone by himself.

Game #63 (WIN): Varus/Blitzcrank, this time with a PUG. He wasn't that good but my epic grabs saved the day many a time.

Current ELO: 1340

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Elo Horse

Game #57 (WIN): Sona/Ezreal versus Janna/Ashe. Pretty easy win for us. I'm a pretty decent support, as I said.

Game #58 (WIN): Ezreal/Taric. Once again did extremely well in lane with Ezreal. Fortunately for me, we won this time.

Game #59 (LOSS): Ezreal/Taric, but with a random this time. Corki first blooded me because Taric decided to try to kill Corki at level 1 with Exhaust. Because I'm an idiot, I followed suit and got counter exhausted and killed. Taric of course backed out and survived. Corki snowballed from there. 

Current ELO: 1319

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Game #51 (LOSS): Well, we didn't make the most of the Jayce/Blitzcrank combo. Too many missed hooks and missed opportunities. At the same time, as soon as we got anything done, Sion was in our lane cleaning up. Brand of course never followed Sion when he left lane and every lane snowballed. I still hate Sion.

Game #52 (WIN): Ashe and Janna versus Miss Fortune and Taric. We of course got zoned early on, but I did the whole Ashe thing and just farmed my ass off. We had Nocturne and TF, so we had tons of map control versus a team with almost no escapes (Yorick/Miss Fortune/Lux/Xin Zhao/Taric). I positioned myself pretty well, but that's very easy to do with Ashe when not only do you have Janna, but you're against a team with minimal gap closers

Game #53 (WIN): I'm getting pretty good at support, I think. I played a bunch of games with Rob and practiced Sona, Janna, and Taric and it paid off. I kept Graves (relatively) safe during the laning phase and he went on to do his job admirably well in team fights. I peeled and slowed whoever we were chasing and popped Shurelias to catch up. Luckily, Kyle was on jungle Shyvana so he was able to contribute to the intiation/damage side of things.

Game #54 (WIN): Corki and Taric versus Ezreal and Janna. Me and Ezreal had pretty much identical builds and were pretty even in lane.This was actually a really close game. Our CS was pretty even and no one dominated in the laning phase. If I had to guess what won us this game, it was probably the fact that Cho'gath outscaled Darius immensely. He was just so much more useful in teamfights.

Game #55 (LOSS): I really shouldn't play Karthus. I'm not good with him.

Game #56 (LOSS): 18/4/15 on Ezreal. Loss. Morde mid and Vlad top, both terrible. GG.

Current ELO: 1307

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Elo Desert

Game #49 (LOSS) First loss on Riven since I started this exercise, I think. Won lane against Mordekaiser (with help from Kyle on Skarner) but was unable to carry. Bottom lane did poorly and mid did poorly. Apparently, mid randomed in champ select. He had Flash/Exhaust on Swain, too. Didn't learn shit from this game.

Game #50 (LOSS) Well, we were doing great all game. We won our lane hard and our jungler was doing really well. Their Mundo was completely invincible, but it was fine because we initiated on Akali every fight and won handily. However, Jarvan decided to dive their tower at the very end and we got aced with no casualties to them. They then decided to push for the win. No reason to have lost this game. 

Current ELO: 1310

Monday, August 6, 2012

Elo whatever.

Game #47 (LOSS): Played Kennen and I shouldn't have. Got massively out CS'd (Karthus had 100 on me by endgame). Our first pick grabbed Sivir and she was free food because she had no positioning and no get out of jail free cards. Our jungler (Xin) built Bloodrazor and Boots of Swiftness and generally had no idea what he was doing. Our Yorick lost lane to Cho'gath and he became an unstoppable engine of destruction. Yorick, of course, became a complete nonfactor in fights because he's Yorick. Not even sure what to say about this game. I should have farmed better, but I guess Kennen's not my strongest champion, and it's hard to clear waves with Kennen when every Karthus Q takes off 3-4 bars of health. Ugh, this one was just really frustrating. I got outplayed and that really sucks.

I'm just going to have to resign myself to the fact that I'm bad at Kennen. Too bad I already have three skins for him.

Damn it! Now that I think about it, there's so many other champions I could have played and done extremely well against Karthus. What the fuck was I thinking? I would have destroyed him on Xerath or Orianna. Hell, even Ryze, probably. 

Game #48 (WIN): Hahaha, this one makes me feel a little bit better. 13/3/11 on Corki thanks to Blitzcrank's ridiculous burst damage. He got me monstrously fed. My CS was awful, partially because I don't play Corki much and partially because I had to keep going back after getting double kills. 

Current ELO: 1337

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Some Notes on Builds

Okay, so under normal circumstances, I am not an advocate of building Deathfire Grasp on Xerath. For my playstyle, I attempt to maintain the absolute maximum distance from the other team at all times while hurling out spells. I feel like this is the most effective way to make use of the champion's unique strengths. Xerath has the ability to burst a carry down (almost from full) from half a map away, sometimes from the jungle or from outside the Baron pit, that kind of thing. If DFG had range comparable to the rest of Xerath's skillset then it might be a good idea, but I'm typically not comfortable putting myself that close to my opponents.

There is one exception, though. Though I generally try to avoid picking Xerath against comps that include instant gap closers, sometimes it is inevitable. I can't always be last pick and I don't usually get to play mid when I am, so if I end up picking Xerath against instant gap closers, I should probably get DFG. It provides me with an instant nuke that I can throw out to defend myself. In conjunction with Mage Chains + Arcane Barrage, it may be enough to net me a kill against melee champions that dive on me. At the very least, it makes them seriously reconsider their actions.

Also, I've experimented with two major build paths on Orianna: First is the double gp10 into Rabadons route. This is probably a pretty good build if I don't expect to be interacting with the opposing laner much. If I expect to play aggressively, it's probably better to go double dorans into Abyssal Scepter. This is most likely also the better build if I'm having a rough time in lane. Early Chalice into Negatron is also something to consider if I'm eating too much harass.

Elone Ranger

Game #42 (WIN): Pretty perfect Xerath game. No deaths, excellent CS, ganked sidelanes, etc.

Game #43 (WIN): On some random whim, I decided to break out DAT MIDDLESTICKS. Surprisingly, I kept up in CS with Ahri (and even passed her in some cases). Early and midgame, I was able to shove lane just fine to go gank. Granted, I had to max Dark Wind to do this, but it worked out pretty well for me. Come late game, it became very difficult to push lanes but it was less important at that stage since we had a farmed AD carry. I had a really good score, but surprisingly my ultimate wasn't really winning us the fights. It was the combined CC from Fiddlesticks/Nautilus/Soraka/Wukong/Varus.

Game #44 (WIN): We were actually behind this entire game. Even when we won, we were 12 kills behind. We won because the other team didn't grab Baron after they won a team fight. They decided instead to push towers and then back. We jumped on the opportunity to rush Baron while they were out of position, picked up a kill on Malphite at our blue buff, and killed Lee Sin when he tried to come steal Baron. We then just calmly pushed to win. Pretty satisfying, actually. As for myself, I played fairly well. I outfarmed Lux massively (had 70 CS over her) but Malphite (jungle) was doing his job very well. I could have warded more aggressively, and I missed my ult at one crucial point. Just need more awareness of the Ball.

Game #45 (WIN): Despite a disastrous early game against Vayne (fed her a couple of kills due to missing a crucial Thundering Blow), we pulled through and I ended up with a respectable 7/3/10 and towered over her in CS.

Game #46 (WIN): Picked Xerath against Pantheon/Riven, which was probably a mistake, but we still made it through to the end with big plays and excellent focus in team fights. Once again, a crucial Baron acquisition won us the game.

Current ELO: 1337 (Fuck yeah)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Elo Is Forever

Game #37 (LOSS): Every lane fed, Amumu got successful ganks on every lane. GG.

Game #38 (LOSS): Enemy Zyra got tremendously fed, and so did Ashe. Bottom lane got camped hard and no one could do anything about it. Our team comp was just too shitty. No CC from the jungler or mid (Kat and Shyvana). Not really sure what I could have done differently bottom lane. Pick someone that doesn't get shit on in lane (Vayne) I guess.

Game #39 (WIN): I killed Taric in the fountain by using the power of Zhonya's. Every game is incredibly onesided, win or lose.

Game #40 (LOSS): Played support Nautilus and had a better KDA than my useless AD carry. Irelia fed Fiora, who built full tank on a whim. Fiora and Anivia free pushed their lanes all game because both were strong enough to muscle their opposing laners out with ease. Even though I was really tanky and disruptive, it didn't matter. My team was too bad, once again.

Game #41 (LOSS): afk jungler.


Current ELO: 1277

Friday, August 3, 2012


Game #36 (LOSS): Duo queue with Kyle Urgot/Janna. We destroy our lane but it didn't matter because top fed and our jungler sucked. SOLO QUEUE YEEEAAAAAA

Current ELO: 1314

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Revenge of Elo Hell

Game #34 (WIN): We had an inferior team comp (Ryze/Leona/Yorick/Miss Fortune/Malphite against Kennen/Graves/Taric/Alistar/Darius) but we outplayed them hard. Kennen was hyper aggressive in lane so I just played safe early on and stacked MR. His jungle Alistar was pretty much worthless so I was very safe against him 1v1. I did more damage to him with my combo than he did with his ult so he had to run every time he engaged on me. Yorick shit all over Darius top and Miss Fortune got first blood on Alistar so bot lane was set from the get-go. My CS was low, but I roamed a lot and kept up with Kennen, so that's all I can really ask for.

Game #35 (WIN): Somehow, I got matched up against a Ziggs with only one ranked win. I'm sorry I couldn't give him another. Not only did I beat him in lane, he DC'd for a few minutes as well. I'm sure it was a frustrating experience for him. Despite my team trying to ruin our advantage as much as they possibly could, we did eventually pull through, with me ending at a tidy 13/2/9 on Ryze. Somehow, their Varus actually got really fed too, but it didn't matter because he has no escapes and his team (Mundo? lol) was incapable of protecting him.

Current ELO: 1325

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The Son of Elo Hell

Game #32 (WIN): Brutalized enemy Swain in lane on Anivia, out CS'd and outganked. Camped bottom lane. Their Alistar ragequit. Gee gee.

Game #TWILIGHTZONE (???): Well, we were eradicating the opposition in this game, but suddenly everyone complained of lag and all disconnected. I exited the client and the game completely vanished. Nothing in my match history.

Game #33 (WIN): Riven versus Jax. I knew I couldn't fight him head on so I just tried to kite him as much as I could and get him to blow through all of his mana. I played relatively passively (for Riven) and didn't engage unless my jungler was nearby. I think overall I went even with him. I did catch Xin out of position at the very end of the game and we were able to ace and push for the win. With my Bloodthirster I was able to survive the entire fight, even though I got down to about 100 health. Pretty exhilarating. 12-3 with Riven btw.

Curent ELO: 1303