Sunday, October 28, 2012

Elo Underground

Game #116 (LOSS): Five losses in a row! I'm on my way to 1100, baby! Most farm in the game, snowballed laning phase, Lee Sin 0/3/0 in the first ten minutes (on our team). Pretty much sums it up.

Game #117 (WIN): Actually, that last game was my sixth loss in a row! I finally managed to break the losing streak with some Hecarim jungle. I never realized how strongly he synergized with Lulu. I liked our strong late game team comp: We had Hecarim, Vayne, Lulu, Anivia, and Teemo (ok, not so much on that last one.) We were all able to peel and/or zone for Vayne to keep her safe for the most part. Teemo's shrooms, Anivia's slows and wall, my speed, knockback, and initation tool, and of course Lulu's veritable toolbox of spells. Really fun game.

Game #118 (LOSS): I should really just dodge when someone picks Teemo. I did well in the jungle but it was pointless because we had no team fight since we had AP Teemo.

Game #119 (WIN): I swear to god I win every time I play support. I'm not saying I carried this game, but I certainly helped bottom lane win. Diana going 10/0 in mid lane had nothing to do with me, however. 

Game #120 (LOSS): Played Kennen and won lane against Darius. Everyhing was going according to plan. We had a strong AoE initiation team comp. However, Corki ruined everything with his absolutely appalling map awareness. He was constantly in the front of the team and getting caught. In the last fight, he wasn't even present, y'know, when they were pushing into our Nexus turrets? He kind of just hung back. I hate losing because of stupid shit like this.

Current ELO: 1273

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Elo Crevasse

Game #112 (LOSS): Well, Rengar is absurdly OP, but that's not why I lost lane to him. Our Xin Zhao ganked my lane at level 2. He had no Exhaust and no Audacious Charge. Silly me, I assumed he would have his gap closer when he came in for a gank. He baited me into burning both my summoners, completely eradicating my lane pressure. Soon aftewards, Maokai ganks and gives Rengar first blood. Rengar snowballs out of control and I become completely helpless. I stack armor and Rengar rushes a Last Whisper. Xin and Annie refuse to pressure my lane. Rengar tower dives me completely. I have no idea what I could have done.

Game #113 (LOSS): Get two successful ganks on bottom lane in the first 10 minutes. Bottom lane still loses. Yaaaay.

Game #114 (LOSS): Honestly? I don't think I've been playing/practicing enough lately. I'm definitely not playing up to par. I'm not even upset about this loss because I know I could have played a lot better and I was definitely part of the reason we lost. Yes, Graves got caught out in the front of our team, but that was just the straw that broke the camel's back. My game knowledge/decision-making is still pretty good, but mechanically, I played pretty poorly this game. Just need to start hitting it hard again. 

Game #115 (LOSS): I'm kind of just trolling at this point! I went Kha'zix mid and did pretty well in the midgame, but once teamfights rolled around, I couldn't do anything to Malphite + Kayle protecting everyone. :D Of course I was blamed for the loss. I don't really mind.

Current ELO: 1275

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Elo Bus

Game #110 (WIN): Season is drawing to a close! I most likely will not be hitting gold, considering the relative infrequency of my ranked games. However, after watching the World Finals (go TPA!), it was refreshing to come back to Ranked and win a game. I played Orianna against Diana. I knew she would have a really hard time killing me without jungler pressure, so I bought plenty of wards. I bought at least 10 during the course of the game, usually 2 at a time to keep my ramps covered. As such, I was fairly safe from ganks. Although we did end up winning this game (and in fact I had a lot to do with it), I was definitely at fault for not exerting more pressure during the laning phase. I can't think of a single time I left the lane to gank, although I did assist Amumu by keeping jungle entrances warded and coming to his aid any time he was in trouble. We managed to clean up in teamfights. Even though they had a Malphite, Command: Shockwave + Curse of the Sad Mummy was too much for them to handle, not to mention Sona's Crescendo. I had the most CS in the game at 190 (at 32 minutes), but I know I can do so much better. I'm probably just a little rusty. Just need some more practice.

Game #111 (LOSS): I didn't want to play Yorick. He's one of the most boring champions in the entire game. I get no enjoyment from playing this champion. What's worse, I was tasked to lane against Nunu, who hardcounters Yorick in pretty much every way I can think of. Nunu has better mana and health sustain, and better range on his primary harassment tool. Addtionally, Yorick has nothing in his kit that can interrupt Nunu's ultimate. Eventually, he just tower dove me whenever he felt like it. Just a miserable, miserable game. 

Current ELO: 1323

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Elo Afternoon

Game #108 (WIN): Man, when I play Taric, I love good Graves players. It's just so easy to land kills. it also significantly improves your team's morale when first pick calls support. Good things to take under consideration. I'm pretty sure if I keep playing Taric I'm just going to farm ELO.

Game #109 (LOSS): On the other hand, I very much dislike playing Ashe/Taric. It's an entirely pointless lane. Ashe does not have enough lane pressure to make use of Taric's CC and burst. Ashe needs babysitting in lane, and Janna does that job much better. She really should have picked someone else. She also started with a Doran's Blade and rushed two damage items before grabbing PD or LW. Simply an inexperienced AD carry player; her stats were very misleading. 

Current ELO: 1323